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Version: 2.0

Data that can be handled by developing plugins

By developing plugins, you can implement various functionalities by expanding the range of data that can be handled.

Here are some examples:

  • You can work with real-time data in formats like JSON that can be loaded into Re-Earth.
    • Example 1: A plugin that displays real-time weather observation values from nationwide AMeDAS (Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System) observation points, publicly available in JSON format by the Japan Meteorological Agency.
    • Example 2: A plugin that retrieves the current location of the International Space Station and displays a moving icon in real time.
  • You can create custom maps by modifying the style of existing data or drawing on the map.
    • A plugin that allows users to customize the color of PLATEAU's building models, such as changing the color of buildings in flood-prone areas. This allows for visualizing the potential impact of flooding on structures.

    • Example 2: A plugin that enables drawing arbitrary width paths on Re-Earth (simulating road widening scenarios). Where Users can visually assess the potential changes to the road network.

      These are just a few examples, and the possibilities are vast when it comes to developing plugins and utilizing different types of data in Re-Earth.